How important is maintaining a fire sprinkler system?
Many say they understand how important it is to conduct proper inspections, testing, and maintenance (ITM) on our fire protection systems, but do they really understand? Many do not find out the true importance of proper ITM of a fire protection system until it is too late. Take NASA for instance.
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Where it all begins-Chapter 5 of NFPA 25
This is one of the most used chapters in the standard as it covers inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) of components for all water-based fire protection systems and is appropriately named “Sprinkler Systems.” In this chapter we will find the requirements for sprinklers, sprinkler pipe, hangers, and many other components. It also tells us where we can find information about components found in other chapters.
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Tis the season for calibration
One of the most important components of testing fire pumps is the testing equipment – specifically the calibrated gauges. Too often, once pump testing season is over, the gauges are forgotten until June when they are needed again, but it is too late.
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Identifying Hazards in Buildings
Today’s modern world is faster and more complex than ever before, but one thing remains the same –, the level of safety which a building offers, is directly related to the hazard or hazards located within that structure.
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