Changes to the 2024 IBC and IFC
The 2024 editions of the International Building Code (IBC) and International Fire Code (IFC) will be in print in the next few weeks. For those of us who work in the codes and standards regularly, the anticipation is building. While most people may not share that sentiment, there’s something fulfilling about seeing the finished product knowing hours upon hours of time, effort and for some of us, meetings, has gone into the development of the codes that are used throughout the world.
Read MoreProtecting the Future of Parking
How do we protect mechanically accessed parking? This is the big question. All this technology is for naught if it cannot be protected correctly. Mechanically accessed parking provides a unique and difficult protection problem. It contains all the fire hazards of a normal parking garage in addition to the mechanical systems that are used to park the vehicles. While the threat to occupant life and safety is almost negligible, the ability to appropriately protect property is a challenge.
Read More2024 ICC Group A Proposals Part III
On March 1st, the monograph for all the proposed changes to the 2024 ICC Group A model codes will be released. As usual, there are several thousand proposals that must be processed through the code development committees over the span of several weeks in April and May. The National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA) submitted 17 proposals to further the cause of the automatic fire sprinkler industry. This is part three of the proposals that were submitted by the NFSA.
Read More2024 ICC Group A Proposals Part I
On January 11th, the deadline to submit proposals to change the 2024 ICC Group A model codes passed. As usual, there are several thousand proposals that must be processed and heard. In a previous blog, the process by which proposals make it into the model codes was discussed. The National Fire Sprinkler Association submitted 17 proposals to further the cause of the automatic fire sprinkler industry. Over the next couple of blogs, the proposals that were submitted will be reviewed and discussed.
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