Fire Sprinkler Incentive Guidebook – Informing Commercial Property Owners About New CARES Act Fire Sprinkler Tax Incentives To Protect Lives and Property

Use Our Sample Letter!

Our Sample Press Release!

Click here to download the Fact Sheet to send with the letter/press release!

FireTeam NFSA FLYER: “Tax Filing Sample” – This is a fictional case study that was presented to a CPA, with the intent being to “file” taxes with the information provided. (We wanted to prove that Section 179 existed and that we could find it.)The Good News? It’s there! Please see the tax forms and note that the cost of the fire sprinklers ($14,500) is noted and is fully depreciated in year one.

Updates During The COVID-19 Crisis:

NFSA Works Diligently on Being “Essential” During COVID-19 and on Tax Incentives for the Future

Revised 2020 Edition of NFSA Tax Reform Info



Tax Reform for Fire Sprinklers

NFSA is very happy to report that hard work, dedication and commitment have paved the way for the inclusion of fire sprinkler incentives in recent tax reform and the official Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passage.  Your NFSA team on Capitol Hill includes Vickie Pritchett, Director of Outreach & Government Relations, Jim Dalton, Senior Policy Advisor and Andy Quinn of McAllister & Quinn. NFSA President Shane Ray is also included on a consistent basis with our involvement and engagement in our Nation’s Capitol.

“The successful inclusion of fire sprinklers in tax reform is a result of years of steadfast work to educate,” explains Pritchett. “Our fire service allies — including the Congressional Fire Services Institute, International Association of Fire Chiefs, International Association of Fire Fighters, National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, Common Voices, National Volunteer Fire Council, National Fire Protection Association, Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors and others were difference makers. The advocates voices made a difference as we worked to bring the stories to life, so legislators would understand and support fire safety inclusion in the incentive package.”

Rob Feeney, Common Voices advocate and Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors member was involved throughout the years and summed the final passage as well.

“Finally!  All the hard work was worth it. Lives will be saved as business owners make improvements and include fire sprinklers.”

Check back to this page often, as we continue to add to the line-up of resources. Also, if there is something not here that you’d like to see—let us know. You can reach Vickie via email at or at 443-863-4398.

Tax Reform Flyer

Tax Reform Postcard

Tax Reform FYI

Tax Reform Trifold

Tax Reform Ad 1

Tax Reform Ad 2

Tax Reform Ad 3