Fire Sprinkler Testing at Philadelphia’s Christ Church

Landmark fire protection safeguards our nation’s historical treasures
The tragic fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris left many Philadelphians concerned about the level of protection in the buildings in Old City. In the past year alone, there have been numerous fires in Philadelphia’s historic district, leaving many venerable buildings and landmarks destroyed. While structures from this era were built to last, they are still susceptible to fire—leading many owners to have them retrofitted with sprinklers.
Christ Church is one such building protected from the threat of fire. The building’s sprinkler system, which was designed and installed by NFSA member Oliver Fire Protection and Security, includes wet, pre-action, and deluge systems.
Historical Landmark Fire Protection
As required by NFPA 25, the fire sprinklers in Chris Church require regular testing. And it was the deluge system that stole the show on Wednesday when it was tested for all to see. The external deluge system, located on the church’s spire, went off successfully, convincing all there that—without a doubt—this piece of Philadelphia history was protected.
The NFSA PenJerDel Chapter would like to take the time to thank Oliver Fire Protection and Security for conducting the flow test, as well as the Local 692 Sprinkler Fitters for taking part in the demonstration. Above all, the chapter would like to thank Christ Church leaders for deciding to protect this invaluable building for future generations.
For more coverage of this event, please visit the links below:
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For over a century, the National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA) has served as the voice of the fire sprinkler industry. Our mission: advocating to protect lives and property through the widespread acceptance of the fire sprinkler concept. To join NFSA or learn more about the ways membership can benefit your organization, visit