Chapter 6 Standpipe and Hose Systems. NFPA 25 ITM series
Standpipe systems are just as important as any other fire protection systems in a building. They are not only important for firefighters, but they are also imperative for firefighters to be able to safely ensure occupants are out of the building, and for extinguishing a fire. In many cases the standpipe systems are overlooked as an integral part of fire protection. For them to be fully operational, they must be properly maintained in accordance with Chapter 6 of NFPA 25, The Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems.
Read MoreNFPA 25 – 2017 Edition Updates and Changes
Though there are only a handful of frequency changes to the 2017 edition of NFPA 25, The Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance for Water-Based Fire Protection Systems has many changes and additions throughout the standard.
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Navigating NFPA 25
Many know that NFPA 25 is the Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems, but what many do not know is how to efficiently use the standard. Hopefully, by the end of this article, there will be a better understanding of the layout of the standard and how to use it more efficiently.
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The Cold Reminder about Sprinkler Systems
During cold months, these systems are more susceptible to catastrophic failure. Frozen sprinkler pipes are one of the more common service calls throughout winter months. Maintaining a minimum of 40 degrees (F) is imperative in ensuring the sprinkler pipes do not freeze. Many areas that go unnoticed during the summer can create issues in cold months, these areas include but not limited to entry ways (vestibules) and stairwells, unoccupied spaces, skylights, and areas that are not properly insulated.
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