Want to find a course or event near you?
All NFSA training events (including non-training events, such as chapter meetings) are posted on the Calendar – National Fire Sprinkler Association (nfsa.org)
Want to host courses or request a speaker?
NFSA training and education for full day courses can come to you through two flexible options:
- Co-host: This option allows you to provide your training space but let NFSA handle registrations, CEU applications, provide instructors, materials, and certificates. The co-hosting entity typically receives two free seats each day (when minimums are met).
- Private contracts: NFSA provides the instructor(s) and materials. As the host, you market, you register, collect fees, and host in your preferred location.
NFSA speakers can also be requested for conferences, chapter events, lunch & learn, and more.
Ready to schedule? Contact your local NFSA representative or training@nfsa.org
NFSA typical training fees
The catalog fees reflect the typical training fees for co-hosted or open registration courses. There are times where NFSA has early-bird pricing and local NFSA chapter discounts to lower these fees.
Private, contract course fees are set by the hosting entity.
Participant guides and included NFPA standards are individually noted in the catalog. NFSA provides digital participant guides at no additional cost for students to use personal devices. Printed content can be provided with additional fees to private, contracted courses
Are NFSA courses approved for CEUs?
All NFSA courses, whether in-person or virtual, have been approved by ICC Preferred Provider Program and qualify for NICET Continuing Professional Development Points (CPD). Course approvals are listed in the catalog.
Specific state or other accrediting bodies, if previously approved are indicated in the catalog, such as:
- Florida (FL)
- Pennsylvania (PA)
- Wisconsin (WI)
- Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry UCC (PA)
- American Institute of Architects(AIA)
- Jefferson County, Missouri (JeffCo)
Where the catalog does not indicate specific approvals, the NFSA can seek local approvals, upon request.
How to request the training trailers to my location?
NFSA’s Live Fire Sprinkler Demonstration Training and Education Valve Trailers are a mobile training and demonstration unit, which consists of multiple instructors covering content from the International Building Code (IBC), NFPA 13, NFPA 14, NFPA 25 and other related fire codes and standards. These mobile units are scheduled upon request and are typically booked out several months in advance. To request, please send a detailed email to training@nfsa.org with the following information:
- Dates; preferred and alternate dates
- Location(s)
- Student type; Fire service, AHJ, sprinkler/alarm contractors, service technicians, facility managers, etc.
- Training needs; NICET, local, updates
The Training and Education team will reach back out to qualify the request and establish fees and schedule where possible.
Does NFSA provide certificates?
Yes. All paid attendees, whether attending an in-person or digital course, receive a digital certificate of attendance in their NFSA My Account, My Certificates portal.
Does NFSA provide speakers for other events?
NFSA has over a dozen subject matter experts on staff that represent the fire sprinkler industry on NFPA, ICC, AWWA, and several other global codes and standards. NFSA speakers range from Fire Protection Engineers, NICET certified Layout and Maintenance Technicians, Building Officials, Fire Marshals, Fire Chiefs and NFPA Certified Fire Protection Specialists. This broad range of talent can cover every current or historic fire protection topic from a local lunch and learn to multiple day courses.
Ready to schedule? Contact your local NFSA representative or training@nfsa.org
How many hours are in a full day of training?
The NFSA typically provides 7-hours of training for a full-day. Courses that typically start at 8:00 am will end at approximately 4:00 pm. This provides for ample morning and afternoon breaks, with a 1-hour lunch period. The number of hours for each course is indicated in the catalog.
If the host or co-host selects two ½-day courses or requests a longer day, i.e. 8-hours, the NFSA can provide the extra content.
Do I need an NFSA account to register for a course, event, or on demand training?
Yes, in order to register for ANY training or event, you must create an individual NFSA account.
Create an individual NFSA account by selecting “Sign In” then “Create New User.” Individual accounts let you track training transcripts, download certificates, and more.
Can I register additional participants for training?
If you are registering for any training, only the logged in participant will be registered. You must be logged in under your account to register for online training. The online training courses will be assigned to the account of the participant logged in.
If you are registering for an instructor led training, you can register multiple participants by clicking on the registration button and selecting “Register someone else” or “Register an open-ended group.”
Do I need special software to participate in NFSA’s On Demand courses?
No. You only require an internet connection and web browser, though a webcam and
Where do I find my On Demand courses?
All On Demand registrations require an overnight processing period. Once the overnight processing period has passed, you can access your On Demand by selecting “My ” on the Training and Education website, here. Note: You may need to disable pop-up blockers for the site.
If you encounter issues accessing courses, ensure your company firewalls allow access to the website. If you continue to have issues, please contact training@nfsa.org.
After purchase, when will my On Demand or virtual class be available?
NFSA’s system can take up to 24 hours to process a virtual class or On Demand purchase. If the product does not appear on your dashboard after 24 hours, please contact training@nfsa.org.
Can a group of people participate in Tech Tuesdays together?
Yes, however, if you have multiple participants that require a certificate for the presentation, each must enroll individually. This includes having an NFSA individual account, enrolling in the On Demand, accessing the course session individually, and completing the course evaluation provided by the instructor. Select here to set up an individual account or contact Membership Services at (443) 863-4464.
What is the deadline for registering for LIVE Tech Tuesday?
Registration for Tech Tuesdays is available through the beginning of the class. Tech Tuesdays are only available for the live presentation.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
What is NFSA’s cancellation policy for live courses?
The cancellation policy for all training (except Layout Technician Pathway training, see below) allows for a full refund if cancelled prior to seven calendar days of the event start date. There is no refund for cancellations made within the seven-day period. To request a refund, please e-mail training@nfsa.org with your full name, session title, and date of the event registered.
If a registrant is unable to attend, the registration can be transferred to another individual at any time, including the day of the seminar. To transfer a registration, please email the request to training@nfsa.org
When traveling from distances, there is always the possibility a seminar may be cancelled. We suggest waiting when booking flights or hotels, or purchase refundable tickets. Notice of a canceled seminar is usually 2 weeks prior to start date. NFSA will NOT reimburse any travel fees.
Cancellation of the Layout Technician Pathway course
The cancellation policy for Layout Technician Pathway is as follows:
- If cancelled more than 21 days before the start of Layout Technician: Application a full refund is provided.
- If cancelled within 21 days of the Layout Technician: Application start date, a $250 administrative fee will be charged and the remaining amount will be refunded.
- If the registration is rescheduled within 21 days of the class start date up to one day prior to the class start date, a $150 administrative fee will be charged in addition to the class fee.
- If the registration is not rescheduled at least one day prior, or the participant does not show up for class, no refund is provided.
- For cancellation or registration rescheduling, contact training@nfsa.org
Can I pay for a class by check?
Yes. To pay by check, complete the registration form in its entirety. When you come to the payment screen, select “Pay by Check.” This will automatically register you for the seminar, but you must contact training@nfsa.org to complete payment.