NFSA Boston Chapter Holds Successful Meeting, Discusses The Great Boston Fire

The National Fire Sprinkler Association has several chapters throughout the country dedicated to networking and starting grassroots initiatives that advance the fire sprinkler concept. The below is a write up from Boston Chapter President Steve Cook on a recent meeting the chapter conducted.
The Boston Chapter recently held a chapter meeting at the four-point Sheraton in Norwood Mass with special guest presenter Stephanie Schorow. Stephanie is a journalist, writing instructor, college professor, and the author. She has worked as an editor, reporter and/or freelance correspondent for the Boston Herald, the Associated Press, the Boston Globe, and other newspapers. One of her books, The Great Boston Fire was the subject of her presentation.
Learning About the Great Boston Fire

Stephanie Schorow reporting on The Great Boston Fire.
The information Stephanie presented on The Great Boston Fire was fascinating and was very much enjoyed by all. The apparel – NFSA pullovers – from the Boston Chapter Golf Tournament came in and were distributed to those that attended the chapter meeting.
In addition, the chapter elections were held with all current officers re-elected to another term – Steve Cook Chapter President, Alan Mount Chapter Vice President, Alec Cambio Chapter Treasurer and Nick Stevens Chapter Secretary. The next chapter outing will be a bowling night in Foxboro Mass in January. Watch for announcements and registration to begin going out next month.
NFSA Members Stay Up to Date on Area Updates with Chapters
An NFSA membership is the best way to keep up to date with fire protection initiatives in any market. Contractors, suppliers, and AHJs from a common area will meet to go over issues and initiatives in their market.
For more information on NFSA chapters, visit our chapters page. For more information on membership, visit our membership page and join today!