Member Monday: Dyne Fire Protection Labs and NFPA 25 Sample Fire Sprinkler Testing

NFSA’s Michael Wilson met with Jennie Novak, marketing manager at Dyne Fire Protection Labs in Minnesota. The two discussed the company’s history and services as well as the important role the company plays in keeping fire sprinkler systems running.

To better understand the role Dyne Fire Protection Labs has, it’s best to layout the groundwork of what NFPA 25: Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems requires for sample fire sprinkler testing.

Sample fire sprinkler testing verifies functionality and performance to ensure heads properly activates in the event of a fire. NFPA 25 requires testing by a certified testing laboratory at specific intervals. The specific requirements of testing sprinklers are found in sub-sections 5.3.1 through (2017 edition). These sections provide the necessary information on how many samples are required, from where to take the samples, and how often each type of sprinkler is required to be sent for testing.

Those responsible for the system must take a select number of heads for tests. These tests measure the functionality of these heads and can determine whether all the sprinkler heads in the building need to be replaced. Factors such as corrosion, painting, and loading can all affect a sprinkler head’s functionality, and sample testing seeks to measure if heads will properly activate in the event of a fire.

Where Dyne Fire Protection Labs fits in with NFPA 25 Sample Fire Sprinkler Testing

NFPA 25 Sample Test KitJennie explained that Dyne Fire Protection Labs is a company that provides sample testing for fire sprinkler heads. Contractors take a sample of sprinkler heads from a system, mail them out using Dyne Fire Protection Labs’ kit, and wait for test results.

Within five business days contractors will know how the heads tested and how they should proceed with their system. Contractors also receive comprehensive reports, laminated sprinkler test tags, and links to pictures of sprinklers tested.

Dyne Fire Protection Labs also offers a rush 1 business day service to contractors that need results quickly. Their staff also offers immediate communication for any questions.

  • Dyne’s procedure is based on UL 199 Section 31.2 and NFPA 25 A.
  • Testing fulfills NFPA 25 2023 Edition

Dyne is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited for the  Mechanical Testing of Automatic Field Sprinklers. Dyne is also ISO 9001 Certified

Beyond Fire Sprinkler Sample Testing: Dyne Offers Antifreeze Solution Testing and PFAS Testing

Antifreeze testingIn addition to fire sprinkler sample tests, Dyne Fire Protection Labs also offers other tests that are critical for a fire sprinkler system. Dyne will test the antifreeze solution in a system and can offer insight into whether it is listed.

Additionally, and this is something that has been on everyone’s mind, is PFAS in fire protection systems. Dyne now offers testing to determine if organic fluorine is present in a fire protection system, a full measure of total PFAS.

Dyne Fire Protection Labs and NFSA: Partners in Progress

The NFSA is grateful to have Supplier and Manufacturer members like Dyne Fire Protection Labs. Members like Dyne play an important role in NFPA 25 tests and work to keep fire protection systems running. For more information on Dyne, visit their site.

For more information on the National Fire Sprinkler Association’s mission to protect lives and property through the widespread acceptance of the fire sprinkler concept, or to become a member, visit our membership page.