[VIDEO] Our Plea to Keep Jobsites Open
Team NFSA is continuing to monitor developments that may affect us all at the federal level, and we are also being proactive with our outreach on your behalf. I wanted you all to see a letter that NFSA President Ray sent to leaders of the seven largest policy-led organizations encouraging them to keep job sites open and to place our industry within their list of essential service businesses.
We’ve also been in contact with our lobbyist in Washington DC and we are monitoring the stimulus packages that are being created. As final decisions are made, we will keep you up to date as it is happening.
As we work to mobilize our team, we continue to create new communications that bring our industry needs to life. Today’s video segment finds our President at a job site, sharing the message that he sent to our nation’s policy leaders…
In closing, I encourage everyone to keep the faith and focus on the many positive things that are happening in the midst of this international crisis. Coalitions like Common Voices continue to work on our behalf and have been actively sending testimony this week to state legislatures that are considering legislation that would prohibit fire sprinklers. Working together, we are ensuring that our industry, our work family, if you will, is part of the solution and remains actively engaged in protecting lives and property from fire.
National Governor’s Association
National Association of County Officials (NACO)
International City Managers Association (ICMA)
National Conference of State Legislatures
National Council of State Governments
Dear Directors,
I am writing on behalf of our members across America who make up a fire & life safety network within the construction industry. The National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA) is a membership organization that represents manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, professionals (architects & engineers), and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs).
Our members have long adhered to requirements maintaining job site safety and security.
My request to you as a former fire chief, state fire marshal and mayor is that you partner with our trades and our member companies to ensure fire protection systems are maintained and in service. These systems require water, therefore, the public water supply is also a critical component. We are committed to supporting you and keeping workers safe and fire and life safety systems in service.
We will also work with you to ensure federal and state stimulus packages ensure construction projects get completed and not leave building shells in our communities as we experienced in the 2008 financial crash.
We respectfully request that fire sprinkler contractors, suppliers, and manufacturers, and their staff, and engineers be considered “essential” businesses because of their critical life safety work. Our industry is one of the most vital components of the overall Community Risk Reduction (CRR) plan in any community. Please maintain fire and life safety as a priority to ensure the ongoing protection of life and property.
Our industry stands in support of workplace safety and security for our employees. We encourage you to keep America open for business and operating for workers.
We stand ready to partner with you in a spirit of proactive leadership.
Thank you for considering this request.
In service,
Shane Ray, President